31.1 Miles Down, 166.9 to Go

Here are the times for the first six legs:
Bel (3.1 Miles) 21:05 - 6:49 (please reference picture of hill with ski lifts)
Joel (3.1 Miles) 20:29 - 6:38
Nathan (3.7 Miles) 20:18 - 5:28
Don (5.4 Miles) 32:59 - 6:06
Crosby (8.6 Miles) 44:29 - 5:10
Bis (7.2 Miles) 46:35 - 6:28
We're off duty until 10pm EST. Van #2 (with Sean, Tom, Courtney, Jeff, Jan, and Ty) is now on the clock. Holla.
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